Warning: December 31 is Coming!
Before we jump into some reflections on this year, there are three things I don’t want you to miss before December 31st. Check it out:
- Help volunteers through a year-end gift // We’re right in the middle of a campaign to dramatically improve both our accommodations and bathroom facilities as a thank you for our volunteers’ critically important work. Help us reach our goal of $500,000 before December 31 by giving directly online today!
- Register with discount code MERRY // Gave $50 per week with discount code MERRY before December 31st. Secure your spot with just a $1 deposit and unlock our zero interest monthly payment plans as low as $118/month. Register today online!
- Unlock big discounts by inviting friends to camp // We relaunched our referral program with brand new perks for 2023! Save hundreds of dollars by inviting your friends to register before December 31st! Learn more about our referral program!
Team Member Reflections
One of the exciting aspects of camp ministry is that there is just SO MUCH happening all at once – especially in the summer. It’s often long after the summer that you’re talking with a friend or colleague and hear about a moment in the summer that stood out to them or really impacted a camper in a positive way. I reached out to your year-round staff and asked them to reflect on 2022 and share a highlight from this year. This is what they said:
- “This summer I loved witnessing the transformation of our LIT’s over the canoe trips. So many of these young leaders headed out on their trip feeling apprehensive, unsure and nervous. It was incredible to see these same individuals return from their trip with more confidence in themselves, more willingness to lend a helping hand and try new things and closer relationships with their peers and leaders!” – Chelsea Campbell (LIT Director)
- “The volunteers that signed up this summer were high quality people! Their great attitudes and willingness to help with anything at Camp was humbling. I enjoyed working with each one of them, teaching some skills and being taught some new skills from them!” – Mike Leney (Facility Manager)
- “I loved the Sunday night orientation meetings with our adult volunteers. There were so many new volunteers excited to jump in and help out as we relaunched summer camp. I was so encouraged to see the genuine excitement from volunteers ready to serve our campers and make camp happen!” – Spencer Tamming (Operations Director)
- “Opening Day 2022 will go down as a lifelong memory for me! Seeing our team serving campers again in the summer after being “off” for two years was so emotional … I broke down and cried half a dozen times. Seeing kids doing simple things around camp like playing tetherball or hanging at the waterfront was so good to see!” – Rich Birch (Executive Director)
- “I am amazed at how fast so many of our guest groups have come back to Camp after two years away. It is so exciting to see new groups booking for 2023 and to see many high schools reserve dates with us for their leadership camps. Another highlight for 2022 is that we have people already registered for our next year’s internship starting in late August 2023″ – Jez Bell (Year Round Program Director)
- “It was an incredible privilege for me to work alongside so many new and returning volunteers in the Girls Camp kitchen. We all learned from each other and made great memories feeding all the campers, LITs and summer staff!” – Joyce-ann Spinney (Food Service Team Member)
- “One of my favourite highlights was connecting with many families who were completely new to camping and chose to send their kids to Mini-Yo-We — and they absolutely loved it!” – Becca Sjonger (Administrative Coordinator)
- “Hearing all the “noise” in the dining halls. The dance parties at Girls Camp, Worship from Boys Camp and the little voices in and around Discovery Camp. It was magical and made my heart full everyday when I heard it. I didn’t know how much I missed those sounds, until they came back.” – Jessica Meadows (Food Service Manager)
- “The sunset paddles on Mary Lake were amazing and the sunsets, breathtaking.” – Charles Pacheco (Facility Team Member)
- “I was powerfully moved by the number of young leaders who spent their summer serving with us this year. I remember looking around the room during our training before campers arrived, and seeing hundreds of young people worship Jesus together after so long away. It was a humbling reminder that even when it feels like our world has stopped, God hasn’t. He is on the move in this next generation!” – Hannah Hanson (Director of Team Development)
- “The view out the Girls Camp window looking toward the tuck shop. Seeing parents dropping off their kids and saying goodbye, campers hanging out and enjoying their treats after a day of activities, leaders planning and praying… Just being together again.” – Cathy Faubert (Administrative Director)
- “I loved sitting in the Boys Camp lodge during meals and watching how anything from announcing the winner of the BFK (Belly Flop King) contest to what was on for dessert was celebrated like they just won a gold medal. The energy and excitement makes me smile every time.” – Mike Reimer (Summer Programs Director)